Access here the agenda of the event, the complete program of the workshop and the key takeaways with highlights on the debates and conclusions of the workshop.
Session 2: Demystifying Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence - what they are and how they can potentially be linked to the assessment of corporate ESG performance.
Presentations: Natália Mazotte (Open Knowledge Brasil) and Eduardo Francisco (EAESP/FGV)
Session 3: Transparency and assessment of business sustainability in times of SDGs and Big Data - Open session at B3 Auditorium.
Presentations: Márcio Pontual (CNODS), Richard Howitt and Lisa French (IIRC), Sonia Favaretto (B3) and Aron Belinky (FGVces)
Session 4: How BDAI technologies are being used for ESG/SDG analysis: Insights from the innovators.
Presentations: Gabriel Cecchini (Reprisk), Stephen Malinak (TruValue Labs), Ciaran McCale (Arabesque) and Jocelyne Ozdoba (Datamaran)
Session 5: Using BDAI in Brazil: Conceptual, technological, and operational challenges and opportunities.
Presentations: Rafael Lanna (Bigdata Corporation), José Carlos Castro (EDS/IBM Watson) and Vanessa Ramalho (Imagem Corporativa).